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Soho Production Music

Soho Production Music

ALPINE HORN COMPETITION - Soho Production Music is a fresh new vibrant unique and eccentric library providing a stunning range of high quality music designed for media pleasure.

THE WAITERS RACE - From London's most creative square mile comes the Soho collection with top talent and fifty thousand tracks covering Bagpipes to Beethoven, Hip Hop to Hospital, Pop to Panto and Reality to Fantasy.

MAISON BERTAUX - Since 1871 the Soho Archive along with Bosworth Music have served a formidable collection of historical and vintage recordings from way back when snaps, crackles and pops were the norm.

THE FRENCH HOUSE - In the cobbled streets around our office, locals and police join together to welcome those lured by the sounds of Soho's international labels including African Planit, Muzikotek, Nightingale, Opensound, Primrose and Your Tune.

PEEP SHOW - We are here to help. Jules on the second floor will take good care of any music searches. So, if it is assistance that you need in finding the perfect music for your production, then just get in touch or drop by for a vino, beer, coffee or a tot of Ron Jeremy's homemade rum.

SIMPLY SOHO (Depuis 2013)
Plan 8 Music
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Primrose Classical White Label
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Soho Production Music
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Soho Archive
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Empire Trailer Series
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Primrose Music
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Manhattan Live Trax
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Manhattan Apple Trax
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Deneb Records
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Opensound Vintage
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Amadeus Best
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That's Amore
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Octopus Records
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newHMDL/Blue Green Submarine
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Aulicus Classics
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newHMDL/Musique & Music - Zik
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Strange Fruit
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Musique & Music - MediaZik
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Canopo Vintage
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Barry Music
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Dennis Music
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Musique & Music - GSound
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Musique & Music - ZIK
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Pacifica Music
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Bosworth Archive
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Dennis Music - World/Ethnic Series
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Musique & Music - Classik
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Blue Green Submarine - Stems
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Manhattan Production Music
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Messy Music
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Pacifica - Noise Cloud
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Pacifica Music - Stems
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Pacifica Music Trailers
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Studio 51 Edition
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Studio 51 Edition - Stems
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Blue Green Submarine
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Interpreti Veneziani
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Strange Fruit Commercial Breaks
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Manhattan Hollywood Trax
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Latest releases from Soho Production Music

Suspended Time
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Once Upon A Time
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Christmas Dreams
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Diva Divine
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Honeymoon Lounge
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Acoustic Mood
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Neo Classical Dreams
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Quirky Animation
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Country Folk Rock
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Handel: Concertos For Organ & Strings - Hwv 289, 290, 292, 305A
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