Education Projects

Case Study: Trinity Fields Learning and Resource Centre

Caerphilly County Borough Council, Wales

Trinity Fields Learning and Resource Centre provides first class education for children and young adults with severe and complex learning difficulties.

Our music library is one of Trinity’s leading resources, used throughout the school to complement a variety of subjects and activities. Teachers integrate tracks from our library with topics across the curriculum to aid language, literacy and communication exercises – as well as during break times and celebrations. Cross-curricular teaching with music has shown boundless benefits, such as helping to create a calming atmosphere, increasing engagement and reinforcing new learning material.

Below are some examples of how teachers at Trinity Fields have used our library. We hope it will be a source of inspiration for anyone looking to brighten their lessons with music!

Subject / Activity Topic / Aim
 Music Played
Music Exploration of Film Music Music by Film Composer, John Williams
English Literacy – Goodnight Mr. Tom reading WWII / 1940’s Music
Religion Worship / Reflection Jewish Music
Geography The Weather – Winter Vivaldi – Four Seasons (Winter)
Maths  To enhance attention and engagement during basic arithmetic ‘Money, Money, Money’ by Abba.
Knowledge and Understanding of The World Background music to create cultural atmosphere Traditional Chinese music
Relaxation / “Circle Time” A moment of calmness and reflection Quiet, thoughtful, Welsh Children’s songs
Environmental Control Sessions To help relax, motivate and encourage students with particularly complex needs Playlist of calming background music
Speech & Language Therapy To treat speech, language and communication problems. Playlist of calming background music
Thematic Exercises To enhance understanding and engagement during a lesson on transport ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ by John Denver
Festive Occasions and School Parties Celebration and fun Party Music / Christmas Music / Music for Bonfire Night etc.



What teachers at Trinity Fields had to say about Desktop DJ:

“Many of our pupils with complex needs attend the EC (Environmental Control) sessions and music helps to motivate them”.

“Certain songs are known to calm and soothe pupils with challenging behaviour.”